Thursday, 7 November 2013

The Strange Case of Samantha Azzopardi

On October 10, 2013 a young woman was found acting in a confused and distressed state at the General Post Office in Central Dublin. After being taken into care, first by the Irish police (Gardai) and then under the supervision of the Health Service Executive, the mysterious young woman refused to speak to anyone. More bizarrely, she would only communicate with councillors and police via drawing pictures. As a result of this unusual form of communication, authorities came to believe (via her confirmation) that she was a victim of sex trafficking into the Irish state, and was also thought to be 14 years old. 

In an effort to discover her origins, a major Garda media and INTERPOL appeal was launched, in which her picture was published (against her wishes). Eventually it was discovered that her name was Samantha Azzopardi, and she had travelled from her native Australia to visit relations in Ireland. As Ms Azzopardi who is in her 20's had been unwilling to tell the relevant agencies who she was, or details of her actual story, the investigation to uncover her identity has cost the Irish State 300,000 Euros.

Further investigation uncovered that she had been known to use up to 40 different aliases and also had a history of undisclosed psychiatric issues (psychopathy?). It transpired that she had arrived in Ireland several weeks before her performance at the GPO in Dublin to stay with relatives in County Tipperary. Eventually the High Court in Dublin was informed by psychiatrist Brendan Kelly she was not suffering from any disorder classed under the Mental Health Act in Ireland (psychopathy?). This was after Tim O'Leary, a lawyer for the Health Service Executive previously stated that Samantha Azzopardi was mentally disordered and that condition is specified and made her "vulnerable".

The police investigations came to the conclusion that Samantha Azzopardi was a 'Walter Mitty-like Con Artist' with a history of deception and manipulation of individuals and public services back in her native Australia. While Irish sources confirm that Ms Azzopardi has mental health issues (unspecified), they revealed that she also has convictions for fraud, deception, false pretences and using forged documents back in Australia. Among these included a history of giving false names and impersonation of deceased individuals. At a court appearance in Victoria on October 2, 2012, Ms Azzopardi was convicted of fraud and deception offences, and given a suspended six-month jail term at the time. Prior to this on September 15, 2012, the Brisbane Magistrates Court, convicted her on two charges of making false representations, one charge of possession of equipment for use with intent to forge documents and one charge of contravening directions.

According to a Garda spokesperson. From enquiries made in Australia a picture emerged of a woman "who assumes a persona and carries it out for criminal purposes"... "She has done this kind of thing before." stated the spokesperson. This is a 'catch me if you can' scenario although it is accepted that she has psychiatric issues," the source added. Another senior security source said: "She is an international woman of mystery, a scam artist, who we now believe is involved in some sort of bizarre ruse which may explain why she did not want her picture released by the Gardai". She was deported by Irish Immigration back to Australia this evening.


I personally suspect that Samantha Azzopardi will now marry quickly to hide her surname. Most probably to a poorly educated or immigrant man with whom she'll quickly have children. She will divorce him and then marry again to attain a double-barrel surname completely disguising her past. Samantha Azzopardi is also in my estimation a prime individual for running a New Age scam or cult as her Walter Mitty 'talents' will be able to spin a good sci-fi style yarn for her followers. At the same time, her pity ploys will be used to manipulate and swindle from well intentioned and gullible folks. 

Samantha Azzopardi is certainly one we need to keep and eye on in the years to come. Her pathological havoc is not over by a long shot.


  1. Dont be putting ideas in her head Tom she's dodgy enough as it is lol :-)

  2. this story reminded of the very well done documentary " The Imposter".

  3. Thank you for seeing through this bullshit story.

  4. psychopathy is evil regardless of who is doing it. people that practice such 'arts' get into scams, schemes and try to get over the world around. if there IS any difference between males and females in this regard (besides absolute numbers, which I've not seen) then it is in the social function of the male vs. female role. as in, women don't go for the bold when they go for the gold, because it has been easier in the past to use deception and sex to get what is needed rather than physical force and dominance that men have acceptable access to in our culture. a psychopath of either gender will use whatever is handiest and easiest to get what they want, so male psychos are just as likely to use sex and women to use dominance IF they can get away with it WITHIN a specific relationship. I see little difference between the genders except propensities towards certain behaviors.

    best to come to terms with your own latent misogyny, if you have any. are you, as a male, more likely to be victimized by a female psycho than a male one? and is the worry because she will slip in using the same social techniques that any 'normal' woman would into your life? because women have to worry about that very same thing, and with male psychos it usually ends up becoming a "your money or your life" situation.

    1. good for you,a bit of a slur goes a long long way.You are SO CORRECT equal rights and treatment tq both male and female psychos as you term them You are SO RIGHT there is little difference between men and women.NO MEN NO WOMEN PSYCHOS ANYMORE just people psychos.lets keep it simple and anyone who has a different view insult them.

    2. funny.

      scam artist is a scam artist. it's good to be aware of them. but they choose their 'angle' based upon the target they are trying to scam and the particular scam they are trying to pull.

      if it requires sex, they will use sex. if it requires outlandish stories, they will use those as well. this is pretty genderless behavior. also, they tend to try to come off as pretty harmless and trustworthy, so as to get their hook over. the stories they tell and the behavior they adopt is adapted to the person they're setting up and what they want out of it.

      now, do women 'get away with it' more often? for some reason, I have no doubt that they do and this is largely due to gender norms as well. women are portrayed as 'helpless victims' and thus can readily play that card, whether it is true or not. so often you will see the portrayal as---she was a victim of ______(husband, mental illness, past abuse physical/psychological/sexual etc.) which drove her to kill. men often try to pull this one as well when they are caught for their crimes, citing a bad or tragic upbringing, a lack of decent schooling or jobs or whatever will allow them some sympathy and to get off.

      I don't insult anyone. but do believe that people's attitudes that they are unconsciously aware of influence their interpretations. it's rather like seeing a brightly colored snake and instantly jumping up to the rafters while shouting "poisonous!" for heterosexual men (or perhaps even non-heterosexual men, related to some past experience with female caregivers) that brightly colored snake might be the female psycho. for women, it is the reverse for similar reasons. I just don't see a lot of difference between the two, in practice. more depends upon what kind of a psycho they are? what is their 'kick'? what gets them off? money? sex? just ripping people off (the art of the scam)?


  5. Interesting story. My first impression upon reading your comment is that Samantha may be a victim of mind-control. Why does she look dazed or drugged and walk around with her finger in her mouth? How is she able to travel around and get back into Ireland so easily under another alias? See this update:

    1. Persona's, Her interchangeable masks of sanity...It's all a grand act.


    Seems she is up to her old tricks in Canada now, using the same methods she used in Ireland.
