Monday 30 September 2013

Make Up Evil Lies and Ruin His Life...He's Just a Man...

Manipulative and hysterical 'unhinged' professional victims/erotomanics making up lies about 'inappropriate behaviour', rape and/or being professional victims seems to be making more news in recent times as pathetically merger punishment is continually dished out to these real life monsters by the courts when they have been proven to be liars. Elizabeth Paige Coast, a classic specimen who sent a random young man from her past to prison for four years for a rape that never happened (she made it up as a way to explain to her parents why she was visiting pornographic websites), was sentenced to serve two months behind bars, on weekends only and to pay Mr. Montgomery $90,000 in restitution for the years he spent in prison.

Jonathan Montgomery, an innocent man was sent to prison for four years. The prosecutor, Attorney Richard K. Newman, wanted Elizabeth Paige Coast to serve the same amount of time behind bars that Montgomery served, but the court opted to continue to treat Elizabeth Paige Coast as the 'real' victim in this fiasco with a slap on the wrist, while there was no room for "compassion" in sentencing Mr. Montgomery when he was convicted on the flimsiest of evidence for a crime that never happened.

No doubt this monster will find 'peace' on a recovery forum continuing her lies and ad hoc unaccountable victim complex. Hopefully Jonathan Montgomery will be able to get his life back together and spite Elizabeth Paige Coast for her 'pure evil'. The poor innocent flower that she is... Not only has this woman been given a ridiculously light sentence for this, but Mr Montgomery has lost four years of his life. Which begs the question, should false accusations of rape, assaults etc. carry heftier sentences and heavy civil penalties?

Karen Straughan is a sane and decent woman activist who not only understands that men are human beings, but that men are also deserving of being treated with compassion and fairness. I highly recommend that men and women subscribe to her YouTube channel and support her great work in helping demolish the psychopathic cult of modern feminism which gave a licence to thousands of Elizabeth Paige Coast types to 'get even' with all men, any man.


  1. I can see the National Coalition for Men sticker on the fridge in the background. Another extremist organisation.

    1. ncfm is a lot less extremist, not to mention egalitarian in their views of the sexes than NOW or any other Feminist organization.

  2. Ive known maybe one or two of these sort of women in my life in my job- They are so adept at 'workplace politics' they'll use any tactic to achieve their aims be it gaining popularity, career advancement, professional acclaim whatever it is. They play on peoples emotions, play people against each other, play the 'friend to your face and knife you in the back' game, use smear and demonisation campaigns, rumormongering they will come up with the most outrageous gossipy tales like you wouldnt believe. And they will do all this and more while acting completely innocent and all 'caring and nurturing' almost to the point of beliving their own lies but they KNOW on some level what they are doing and who they really are. These psychopathic females are expert chess players-everyones' a pawn in the game even 'the Sisterhood' or their best friends if the opportunity is right, the payoff is big and they can get away with it , watch the sentiment evaporate very fast
    I think a few of these types have gotten into the feminist movement and have used it for their own ends.They would see it as a perfect way for them to play their games of manipulation and to feed off the suffering of others and they'll love to play the 'Shero' fighting for the Sisters while lauging inwardly at the stupid 'little people' trying to make the world a more pleasant and equitable place- it means nothing to them Equality? Fairness? Compassion? What are those? They are just words to female and male psychopaths- They couldn't care less
    (As a side note the Men's Rights Movement would have a psychopath problem of its own -A few male psychopaths would have gotten into it and Co opted it for their own manipulative ends as well -some of these MRAs on You Tube and various blog sites and their followers would have to be psychopaths
    the viciousness the hate the word salad and platitudes that ring hollow would suggest a reotillian predatory mindset)

  3. Ive known maybe one or two of these sort of women in my life in my job- They are so adept at 'workplace politics' they'll use any tactic to achieve their aims be it gaining popularity, career advancement, professional acclaim whatever it is. They play on peoples emotions, play people against each other, play the 'friend to your face and knife you in the back' game, use smear and demonisation campaigns, rumormongering they will come up with the most outrageous gossipy tales like you wouldnt believe. And they will do all this and more while acting completely innocent and all 'caring and nurturing' almost to the point of beliving their own lies but they KNOW on some level what they are doing and who they really are. These psychopathic females are expert chess players-everyones' a pawn in the game even 'the Sisterhood' or their best friends if the opportunity is right, the payoff is big and they can get away with it , watch the sentiment evaporate very fast
    I think a few of these types have gotten into the feminist movement and have used it for their own ends.They would see it as a perfect way for them to play their games of manipulation and to feed off the suffering of others and they'll love to play the 'Shero' fighting for the Sisters while lauging inwardly at the stupid 'little people' trying to make the world a more pleasant and equitable place- it means nothing to them Equality? Fairness? Compassion? What are those? They are just words to female and male psychopaths- They couldn't care less
    (As a side note the Men's Rights Movement would have a psychopath problem of its own -A few male psychopaths would have gotten into it and Co opted it for their own manipulative ends as well -some of these MRAs on You Tube and various blog sites and their followers would have to be psychopaths
    the viciousness the hate the word salad and platitudes that ring hollow would suggest a reotillian predatory mindset)
