Tuesday 18 November 2014

Hitler the Banker's Puppet?

"Hitler was a 'puppet doll' of the international financial community."
Adolf Eichmann

In 2011, an event took place which was barely covered by the mainstream media concerning the release of a remarkable historic statement - by former SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann - made about the actual status of his old boss Adolf Hitler; by comparing him to a puppet being operated by the world's banking institutions of the era. The trial of Eichmann drew international attention and over fifty years after the start of the proceedings in Jerusalem, the Israeli State Archives published numerous secret criminal proceedings entitled, A look behind the scenes of the arrest and the trial of Adolf Eichmann.

Among these documents are details of conversations between Eichmann and his German attorney Robert Servatius from 1960 which include Servatius asking Eichman, if he had seen  gas chambers being used during the reign of National Socialism. Eichmann responded that he had "once visited a small gas chamber, but no large rooms used for destruction". He had "seen a pile of corpses, which were apparently poisoned". Eichmann then said: "My conscience is completely pure." and maintained that he only followed instructions given to him from above. 

The most fascinating material relates to how, following the war, Eichmann came to re-evaluate National Socialism and the rise of Hitler in the 1930s. Servatius stated, that Eichmann can see the past, "with completely different eyes." When asked about his views on Adolf Hitler, Eichmann responded Hitler was, only been a "puppet doll" of the international financial community. Eichmann also described Hitler as being "impulsive", and that he was no statesman, being constantly surrounded by 'advisers' who did not dare to disagree with his ideas.


  1. suffering is an option ; why suffer ; When we recognize suffering ,we have suffered enough ; we are awake

  2. Food4Thought Thomas Have you seen these by Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_izi23CK6fc&list=PLJ0S88eyUTlb0VW1DPZYBbes0EW43CBLo https://plus.google.com/u/0/108913064335180823064/posts/YXvJgxjCBtr

  3. what proof is that this is not just more propaganda
    this does not fit what we already know at all
    sorry Thomas, must try harder.

    1. Have you watched The Professor Anthony Sutton interviews on Youtube?

  4. Hasn't Professor Anthony Sutton said this many times..thought it was common knowledge!! :)

  5. hi thomas hitler and co was bad enough without you making this stuff up, what are yo ua socialist or something ?

  6. can't finde this quote in that document .. where is it exactly please?
