Friday 20 May 2016

Gaslighting Begins With Passive Aggressiveness

"You Hardly Know Me...but Are You OK Buddy? You Appear to be Having 'Issues'...Wanna Tell Me About It???"

"You stupid, dumb, fat, cake-eating whore you!!! Relax, I am only joking!"

"People are talking about you...I did not want to say this to you but..."

In 2014, I conducted an experiment on my Facebook wall in order to smoke-out pathological types and cult members who were possibly lurking on my friends list.

I announced that my career was essentially finished with the current psychopathy 'normalisation' process being undertaken by Channel 4 TV, coupled with the long term fall-out from an on-going smear campaign/psychotic witchhunt run by a comet death cult against me between Summer and Autumn 2012.  

The primary purpose of this was to gather data on how the Gaslighting process begins with not so subtle Passive Aggressiveness. Underhand comments are issued in the form of confidence-destroying 'advice' which could be along the lines of "well, you only destroyed yourself..." - "well, you do have many flaws..." and so forth. 

Most people were aware I was 'taking the piss' (I was telling jokes about it mainly) and were giving me sincere 'chin up' responses one would expect from decent people. Others knew I was joking and good naturedly played along. Psychopaths have incredible difficulty with grasping irony and satire. They need 'canned laughter' in order to get the joke.

However, a tiny number were licking their lips assuming (delighted) I was 'finished' and these were the control subject group which I was attempting to move away from the body of decent folks. Of course, my career is nowhere near finished as more offers than ever are coming in both mainstream and alternative. My Velocity of Now radio show is wooing thousands with each broadcast and my book sales are healthy.   

However, in an on-going effort to see just how many 'hidden' pathlogicals were on the FB list I put it 'out there' I was history. These kinds of social 'experiments' I have performed in the past when I suspected a malevolent pathological personality was 'in the house' and were very important to understand what drives the pathological personality and how decent folks could avoid them.

Some were sending me PMs practically dancing on my grave in the guise of 'between you and me...' platitudes. Others were similar statements from Facebook 'friends' who completely ignore all my articles, artwork, jokes and banter - but who 'revealed' when they assumed my number was up.

The experiment was designed to fire the Norepinephrine in their lower brain stems and get them to impulsively begin with the passive aggressive remarks as this would provide a valuable insight into observing how Gaslighting initially begins and how to distinguish it from what I term non-malevolent Trauma Vampires. It is morally wrong and indecent to go around looking for who is and who isn't a possible 'psychopath' - we must always give EVERYONE a chance to express their full humanity - however, at the same time we owe it to ourselves and the ones we love to recognise the possibility of Gaslighting when it may be manifesting towards us. Early signs of infection, prevents death.


  1. why are you so brittle about the topic of zionism, Thomas?

  2. No time for either side in the Middle East. I am Irish. I know what country I live in.

  3. Yay at the expense of "Channel 4 TV" Thomas's Agenda is gaining more exposure. Has this perhaps something to do with gathering building materials for his Tulpa?

    1. You are becoming a superb psychic barometer Trevor. Whenever you show up here I know the veil is more flexible and magic is easier. Cheers mate.

  4. Are you off FB at the moment? I enjoy your posts more than anything else on the Internet.

    1. Awful timewaster as I felf obligated to answer all the pm I got. I am involved in too much for it. I am still posting my stuff on Twitter as I like the wham-bam in and out aspect.

      Also, I was getting sick of seeing photos of us politicians on fb.

    2. Thomas is going through a hard time at the moment. He's piled on weight and had a mental breakdown. He began talking nonsense online about trapping Jinns in jam jars...which makes 100% sense. He has delusions of other people being super-spys and is slowly slipping into dementia. I feel sorry for him and am willing to support him going into a retirement home.

    3. What are you on about I have always been a fat bastard.

  5. Are you off Facebook? I enjoy your posts more than anything else on the Internet.

    1. Fabebook was becoming a terrible time waster for me. I am still posting updates through Twitter which is more 'in and out'

  6. Great idea getting off Facebook! For a couple of years I kept deactivating my account then temptation would set in and I would sign back in. A few weeks ago I completely deleted my account and so glad for it. I feel like im living in the moment more, not seen a change in my dreams yet but bring it on, can't wait!

  7. Oh wow, you'be left FB? Thought you blocked me lol. Miss your informative posts though, enjoyed reading em.

    1. Fabebook was becoming a terrible time waster for me. I am still posting updates through Twitter which is more 'in and out'

    2. I could sometimes detect your frustration lol. But the conversation threads on some of your posts were amazing, especially the stuff about Vikings. Someone could write a whole new novel from those threads.

    3. I refused to join Facebook for years, and when I started using it my initial reaction was a negative one. It did everything to try and encourage addiction to its site. From games, to fake likes and connections to people who were obviously after just attention. Facebook really is an attention seeking whore, like most of its users.

      When I started using it I felt vamped, every person I friended wanted me to 'check out their page', and was really using others. I think, like me, you have an addictive personality and find it difficult to disconnect.

      Facebook is good in moderation. I have connected to childhood friends from years ago through Facebook, and other groups of individuals who are awesome people. It can be a good thing. It is difficult to say how long someone should spend on Facebook, I should limit my time to 30 minutes a day max on the site. Problem with Twitter is, it is even more soulless. Basically everyone on it wants fame, through follows. The only decent people on the site are those who are thought to be trolls taking the piss out of feminist and MGTOW groups, and any other scumbags out there.

      Well, good luck to you. I was surprised, initially in 2012 seeing you on Facebook...I thought you had better understanding how the game is played than to play on that site. It is so obviously a false reality, that isn't part of the real world reality. Having said that, you did reach out to people, but at the cost of your own well being. But ask yourself this: was it really 'all' a complete waste of time and did you not gain anything from it at all? Like invitations to AV talks and so forth.

  8. You're showing signs of early dementia, Thommy. Please get help before you slip into full blown psychosis. This is why you are writing silly blog posts and attempting to trap Jinns in jam jars...because you're going crazy. I had a dream of you in a mental hospital, you were rocking back and forth on a chair mumbling, 'mmmm urrrr I a mmmmmurrrr.'

    1. Jesus! You might be right. I should get that checked out.

  9. Is this my barely repressed homosexual stalker Stephen Daryl Reed in Coventry UK?

    The anti-semetic loser with no friends except the odd dirtbag in the filthy pub who needs another loser to stop him from falling over?

    Very sad state of affairs, and lives in Coventry too! Worse than a death sentence FFS. Still, on your knees giving blow jobs for loose change is pretty much the same in bus stations men's toilets all over the world I would image.

  10. Stephen Darryl Wright in Coventry England? He is such a loser people can't even remember his name properly.

  11. I'm so grateful for discovering your unique insights into consciousness parasites around the world. I was married to one for 25 arduous years, a malignant narcissist who has my ex best friend whom ge is living with a supporting as his flying monkee! I just purchased your book, "Defeated Demons". I just admire your rawness and tge courage to speak frankly and freely on such venues as "red ice" and "line wolf spirit radio" etc... my family has Irish and Welsh roots and i have always believed ibtge fairies and "magic". Please continue your work and do not be distracted by those who cant create on their own yet prefer to drag you through the mud.i may live in Texas, but my heart is in Ireland :)
