Sunday, 21 July 2013

Humour Defends Against Psychopaths

Psychopath working in a sperm bank:"we have no bottle left, you'll have to pull your own draught"

Gallows Humour was a term used to describe jokes being made among prisoners who are about to be condemned to death. The condition speaks volumes about the nature of the human resolve, how we can laugh in the face of oblivion. Likewise, soldiers in the heat of battle, often crack jokes or take jibes upon one another, even on the cusp of their own potential demise. There is a reason for this: we are being reminded by our subconscious minds that reality is bigger than this moment. Laughter is the communion with the eternal part of us which transcends our mortal limitations. It is the ultimate expression of human spirituality. Tibetan monks are known for 'laughing at demons' to expel them. Satire is the ultimate form of channelling. It is honest, it is pure and comes directly from the source of our existence.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I do not trust people who do not like smutty or politically incorrect jokes and neither should anyone else.  These people who are so easily 'offended' ARE DEAD TO THEIR OWN HUMANITY. 

This is why having no sense of humour is a sign of being spiritually vacant. Invoking political correctness is borne out of a fascistic psychopathic drive to control others opinions, coupled with an inability on the behalf of the 'offended' to see their own absurdity for what it is. We are all absurd to some degree. From hysterical and manipulative wealthy white homosexuals trying to invoke the 'minority' card for victim status and pity, bat shit crazy cult members, bolshy feminists, stately home 'socialists', and PSYCHOPATHS, I've never met a politically correct type who was a decent human being at their core, and I've never met a Gay man who loved dirty jokes who wasn't a wonderful, trustworthy human being. Why do you think George Carlin, Bill Hicks and Steve Hughes are considered central figures within this movement? Their smutty humour included. Think about that one 'spiritual. motherfuckers. It is all in the delivery, context and intent - like Reginal D Hunter the African-American comic states; "Was there hatred in your heart when you said it? No, then don't get neurotic about it."
Which brings me to the purpose of this article. Last Wednesday night myself, James Corbett and Jay Weidner were generously offered up to the radio listening world by Vinny Eastwood - a radio host who gets the power of humour and satire when taking on globalist 'scumbaggery'. The topic of the show was how to deal with psychopathic individuals, psychopathic cult leaders and their mindless proto-psychopathic followers, psychopathic co-workers and leadership structures. 

What was so refreshing was that all four of us agreed on the same approaches: 

There is a reason why the Joker card is always the last card placed back into the pack trumping all the other Court Cards. A very good reason indeed...

Thomas Sheridan is the author of the books Puzzling PeopleDefeated Demons and The Anvil of the Psyche: all are considered vital manuals for personal and social survival is a world controlled by lunatics. These books have evolutionasied thousands of people to build a firewall around their own psyche and not to be lured into handing over ones independence to a fake collective. As a result, his NO CONTACT EVER AGAIN philosophy has made Thomas an enemy of powerful media corporations, Fabian political interest groups, mind-controlled death cults and neo-Nazi fringe groups.


  1. Hi! Just want to say that I lenjoyed you on the Vinny Eastwood show. I must say that I had a big problem with Jay Wiedner ( whatever his name is). Just because George Zimmerman is multiracial doesn't mean he can't be racist. He clearly didn't listen to the tape of T. Martin screaming and running from Zimmerman. He hunted down that kid when the cop on the phone clearly told him not to go after him. There were other things that he said that made me roll my eyes as well. It's just like you said, you have to be careful even with the alternative media. Love you, though! You're a true light among all the nutjobs like Alex Jones and this Jay dude.

    Keep up the good work.
    PS If you have evidence that the T. Martin case was bogus, I would listen to you because you truly do the research, unlike too many clowns in the 'alternative movement."

    1. Here in Ireland we know nothing about this case - so I can't help you there sorry. Thanks for your kind comments about my work.

    2. I'm sorry to have gone off like that, so please forgive me. Just wanted to say that your work is a true value, along with Chris Hedges, Andrew Harvey, and John Michael Greer. Love your weekly show The Velocity of Now.

      Take care, and again my apologies.

  2. Thanks very much Ray for your support and kind words. I know little about that specific case in the USA - but from a casual glance I can tell the US media has no interest in the facts of the case or even justice. They are just causing divisions between different groups. Divide and Conquer = Psychopath's Favourite Game.

  3. Those with strong P.C. personas, stumping for freedom and justice for all, are like cops on the beat. But, they are always issuing tickets for littering or jay-walking, or trying to trip up fellow cops doing real detective and analytical work.

    A lack of humor is the hallmark of a jealous, small mind. An unforgiving nature, when presented with somebody's human flaws, from those who claim to be pursuing the greater evil of psychopathy, indicates a perverse system of beliefs and judgements, or an agenda of some kind.

    Or, as Thomas has mentioned, in prior articles, they have become so immersed in fighting evil agressively, they have succumbed to it's angry and vengeful component. It's like laughter--contagious.


  4. Joking is the best and easiest test of 'friend' material. It's hard to like really intellectual types, harder still when they focus on ugly stuff. But then again.....I so love contrast. Nothing beats a stupid joke about smart people (who are then either offended or better yet, don't get it)....told by a really smart fellow.
    Great work/play Thomas! Thanks!

  5. Thank you Thomas! These words of your clear many a memory of meeting people who seemed deeply dark and always carrying a blanket to smuther me in. I can't say I have any ingenious jokes to deliver....though 'in the moment' human chemistry, love and the nature of purely keeping things on the road for the good of all relations seems to be a playful puppy. Now I know why those certain people from the past didn't like me. Cheers Thomas! Great stand-up on my birthday! Thanks for some good giggles and laughs!

  6. Thank You Thomas! Great words that really clear the air for me in past work related situations, social, whatever. I've tried probably not hold on to them. But you describe perfectly the person that I find wants to cork my fountain of humour based on the moment. Swingin a pick or just plain working hard and wanting someone to laugh with and bring the beauty and essence of the human experience. Not to hide from reality, but to celebrate it with the gift of laughter.
    I had the honor of watching your stand-up on my birthday. What a gift! Really good message....sometimes serious to me but the drunken laughy's in the audience were funny as well. We heard ya! Keep up your truth Thomas. Thanks!

  7. I fully agree but i really feel the need to comment to say that smutty humour is usually fucking awful. Two things are a fucking pain when you're growing up, Football for a number of reasons, and crap fucking humour for a number of reasons, and i mean incessant crap humour. Won't shut the fuck up with the crap obvious joke humour. Anytime i hear the dead tit jokes these days i just want to punch the cunt, "Look at the jugs on that" type shit. And i don't mean when the joke is, that it's funny because it's not funny, different thing. I mean when people are serious. It's godawful and it's been a real spanner in the works socially for decades.

  8. why negative people write negative articles tryng to stop negativity want a better world ? watch something positive

  9. Your comment will be visible after approval ? control ? psychopats ? laughing when someone fail is called psychopats < this is my definition invented by me ....

  10. I have to disagree that humor is a sign of spiritual deadness. One of my associates, whom I believe to be a psychopath, is very charming and a jokester. Her jokes are a form of manipulation. Ted Bundy was constantly cutting jokes. I think jokes can relieve tension but are also a form of manipulation.Jokes are ingratiating and can be a form of manipulation as they keep you distracted from what is really going on. Consider George W. Bush's jokes about the missing WND, etc. I believe jokes and humor are tools of psychopaths to manipulation, endear and reflect inner superficiality. People who are serious and purposeful are hardly seriously. Consider the great intellectuals, creators. Most were not full of humor whereas the conartists, like Richard Feynman are. Humor is a tool of the psychopath..
