Monday, 25 November 2013

How Happy is the Socialist Way? Ask A Miserable Lefty

Soviet NKVD 'Liquidation' Manual Illustration. Which is Includes Pouring Acid on Enemies of Marxism in Front of their Mothers to Prevent Anti-Revolutionary Activities from Spreading. In Marxism, Anti-Revolutionary Activities Could be Simply an Old Score Against a Neighbour the 'Marxist' wants to Settle. All Encouraged by Leon Trotsky and Fabian Socialist GB 'Humane Murders' Shaw. 

When you reject the Purple Pill what you are really announcing is your individuality. That you do not require a gang to validate your own existence. That you don't need DMT to have a spiritual awakening. That you don't need a charter or mandate to underpin the nature of your own existence and you consider human decency apart from Political Correctness, Nationalism and Religion. That your consciousness will not submit to arbitrary conventions issued from the quagmire of megalomaniac flag-waving weasels demanding you pick any leader except your own intuition to guide you.

The following article by Mark Fisher is a very important one for Borderline Purple Pill folks to contemplate as it demonstrates that Socialism/Marxism and Happiness/Contentment are not mutually inclusive concepts. In fact, misery and Marxism go together hand in hand as much as 'Che' Guevara and mass murders. Cultivation of misery and hopelessness as your salvation.

The author appears to be your well-educated, well-meaning fundamentally decent idealist who is proclaiming his dismay at the level of infighting and back stabbing within contemporary British Marxism. His naivety is frankly staggering and he is the perfect example of the well-meaning 'useful idiot' who will be among the 'first put up against the wall' by some psychopathic silver spoon dreg from the Cambridge Socialist Workers Party after she whips up false accusations of sexual misconduct or whatever the erotomanic man-hating psychosis 'revolutionary' rationalisation it can cultivate to project their own faults on to any useful 'enemy'. You know, typical wealthy loonies and psychopaths murdering the innocent and poor - standard 'people's' revolution. This in-fighting, hatred, bitchiness and character assassination is Marxism, always has, and always will be the backbone of this elitist cult.

Those of you who got that special feeling in your nads when Russell Brand proclaimed on the BBC than he wanted a Socialist Egalitarian solution would do well to read this article and let it sink in. Notice the sense of anguish and helplessness. Not only does the author not only seem miserable, he also hasn't a clue what happiness actually is! To him Russell Brand's comedy show was only funny because it was Politically Correct - obviously forgiving the Messiah Complex for his years of previous comedy routines prior to his Newsnight appearance. 

"The day before Brand’s now famous interview with Jeremy Paxman was broadcast on Newsnight, I had seen Brand’s stand-up show the Messiah Complex in Ipswich. The show was defiantly pro-immigrant, pro-communist, anti-homophobic, saturated with working class intelligence and not afraid to show it, and queer in the way that popular culture used to be (i.e. nothing to do with the sour-faced identitarian piety foisted upon us by moralisers on the post-structuralist ‘left’). Malcolm X, Che, politics as a psychedelic dismantling of existing reality: this was communism as something cool, sexy and proletarian, instead of a finger-wagging sermon."

"He has been saved Brothers and Sisters!!! Hallelujah! Sorry, I mean Right On Comrade Russ!"

Socialism is a system of human misery for the simple reason that happiness is an arbitrary concept within the Marxist philosophy and not an actual experience. It is purely a scientific hypotheses based upon synchronisation with Socialist principles. It is a laboratory process and not one derived from the conciousness experience of one being; a human being. Your smiles are only relevant if they are smiling according to the theories laid down by Marx and Trotsky. In Marxism/Trotsky-ism you don't have a soul. Simple as that.

As for Russell Brand's spiritual revolution, take notice at how this article literally falls off one computer's screen in a sludge of atheistic, nihilism and conformist materialism. There is your Socialist Spiritual Newsnight Revolution.

Namaste and Power to the People Motherfuckers.


  1. I like that I can post a comment although I am thinking of changing my name to a man's name, this seems to be a mans game. I don't want to appear to working classy. The political system is a big circle, not a left and right system. Capitalism goes to socialism then socialism to communism, then fascism then back to capitalism. There is a point on this circle where people are the most happy and prosperous and based on a countries cultural differences everyone should fall close to this spot. That's what happened when the Berlin wall fell, something my professor told me would never happen at the same time dismissing this theory I will call the Properous System Circle theory. Once you understand the concept of the circle it makes all political theory very much clearer. If the United States or England is so focused on bringing democracy to the world then I say we export the constitutions and systems of government to the world for the only purpose of conflict resolution between borders. You love democracy, right, you love the constituiton, bill of rights etc.. It will contain a house of representatives with votes based on population, a Congress which protects low population districts, and a judicial systems to protect individual rights of countries. The only agenda of this government is to keep the peace among nations, therefore their is no president needed (a great source of corruption and power) In fact the US should get rid of the office of president all together and the office of the prime minister e.t.c. too, its too easy to corrupt one person. No borders can be changed between any two countries they will be the same for ever and ever and ever until the end of time. Now everything is even no way to exploit the third world anymore and we can use all that money that went for bombs, guns, military machines, armies basically for death instead on things like infrastructure, medicine, human opportunities (you get the idea). Civil war inside a country must be permitted, it is every countries right to have Civil War. This is not the UN, every country will be equal. This system is only to solve disputes between countries that will be the only agenda. It will work and it's time for the killing and the destruction of this planet to end.

  2. I also learned about the circular nature of the political spectrum, when studying sociology,it was actually a real eye opener at the time but that was many years ago now. What is newto me isthe iea that somewhere within that circle is a pointwhere most people are happy. Now the question rings aloud. Where is that point.
