Wednesday 21 January 2015

Conspiracy Theory Exists, Because Investigative Journalism is Dead

Excellent video by my friend Kai Bowman in England. 

People such as myself and Kai are the way we are because there are no serious hardcore, old-fashioned investigative journalists in mainstream media any more. All we have these days are Orwellian, Ministry of Information-style Government, Corporate and University Press Release copy-and-pasters working in the mainstream media

The rare number of journalists who are trying to look into the deep mud of the Psychopathic Control Grid and who do manage to pull out a serious in-depth investigation into the insanity of our leadership, they will then encounter a firewall of editors and sub-editors to shut them down or spin the story off into a neutered cull-de-sac of irrelevance. If by some chance a newspaper does run a story which is diving deep into the murky waters of Globalisation and the Consensus Establishment, then another army of Dawkins and Mythbusters weaned 'skeptics' will scream "Conspiracy Theory!" as a kind of psychic-reflex action without even examining the story.

This entire media and corporate failsafe system of mainstream journalism not doing their jobs the way they should, provides the womb in which people such as myself and Kai are gestated. You in the mass media, corporate boardrooms, university tenure-ships and government press offices fathered us. We are your feral bastards, because you neglected our needs.

Documentary below on Sex Trafficking in White House which nearly made it to broadcast and was pulled at the last minute. Watch it and then you decide if the existence of Conspiracy Theorists are valid or not.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

1908 Report of Psychic Deterioration within the Romanov Court

During research for the second instalment of my Walpugis Night project, I happened to come upon this fascinating newspaper clipping, which appeared in various forms during the Spring of 1908. The initial source/intelligence having almost certainly been 'leaked' by spies within the Czarist inner circle concerning the prevailing conditions of psychic and psychological chaos reigning within the Royal House of Romanov in the years leading up to their eventually liquidation by the Bolsheviks, just under a decade later on 17 July, 1918. 

One gets the impression that on some level, the Romanovs 'knew' the end was coming for them and they were frantically desperate to avoid the fate which their subconscious minds had already informed them of. Hence, the Romanov's (along with most the Russian ruling and upper middle classes) obsession with mystics, seances and other paranormal activities. If one places oneself inside the Romanov's psychic state at the time, it is easy to see why this level of superstition and hysteria infected the Russian court; unabated and without any pause, and devoid of rational, objective analysis. 

Prior to 1917, the Russian Royal family were literally considered to be living gods and goddesses by all social classes of the Russian population, and therefore, any sense of impending doom, was not just viewed as a matter of a royal dynasty losing its power, but the very spiritual nature of Russian life was also doomed. God himself was dying, as he held the corpse of Mother Russian in his arms. 

To illustrate the hold this mythology of the Czars held over their subjects, as late as 1896 a million Russian peasants sold all they had in order to attended the coronation of Tsar Nicolas II at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Moscow. The devotion to their Czar as a supernatural deity was so intoxicating (if not hysterical) to the masses, that 1,389 people were stampeded to death - mostly women and children - when a small number of cheap commemorative drinking mugs (sacred relics literally) were being given away as a gift by the new Tzar to thank the peasants for their attendance.

Nowhere else would this sense of earthly-godliness have been more deeply felt than within the Romanov's inner circle itself. The very survival of the infallible dynastic Prussian bloodline (via Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp infusion of 1742)  was not only in danger, but the universe and even reality itself was - by default - also in grave danger of being destroyed. The Czarina especially, had been completely taken over by this overwhelming sense of impending doom, terror and desperation. Her expectations of life in the Romanov court had taken a grave turn for the worst in the years following her arrival there as Princess Alexandra of Hesse-Darmstadt (Prussian), having had this 'sacred union' arranged by Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany (Prussian) thus finally creating a completely Prussian aristocratic European nobility to which the 'fallen' of the Great War were to be sacrificed - starting in 1914 - when George V of Great Britain (Prussian) moved the first pieces on the grand chess board towards his first cousins in Berlin and Saint Petersburg.

However, in Russia this game did not initially go to plan as the Romanovs became increasingly psychically infected, and from this, set about to seek a solution as to why the God-King of the Russians was failing. This situation is what led to the psychic wildfire within the Romanov family at the turn of the 20th century, and this ferocious inferno of the mind, would have raged constantly and engulfed their entire beings, especially in the years following the defeat of Russia by Japan. In was also this rampaging psychic fire-storm which brought Rasputin into the Russian court...and one in which he was called to step into. Only then, would the very nature of reality, be finally altered.


Friday 9 January 2015

Vintage Conspiracy: Going Down the Conspiracy Rabbit Hole 'Old Skool' Style

I really want people in the Alternative Movement to realise that there was once another world, before this time, when we were actually considered the cool and hip people. Some of you may recall - when I mentioned on my radio show - that there was a time when Conspiracy Theory was a perfectly legit social discourse among educated people in the time before the X-Files glued aliens to real topics worthy of investigation (at the behest of the CIA, I might add). Conspiracy Theory was even considered somewhat risqué and sexy among bohemian types. I know, because in my Lower Manhattan post-punk days of the 80's, we talked about conspiracy theory all the time.

The Realist
The Magazine John Lennon was Murdered For

"The Realist was the first satirical magazine to publish conspiracy theories. It was the first magazine to carry Mae Brussell's work on conspiracies, which covered the kidnapping of Patty Hearst, the Watergate scandal, the assassination of JFK and other conspiracy theories.

When the magazine ran into financial difficulties in the 1970s, it was the conspiracy theory element that attracted ex-Beatle John Lennon to donate; saying, "If anything ever happens to won't be an accident."[1]

The Realist Magazine Archive HERE >>>

Confidential Magazine
Blew the Lid on Hollywood Sex Rituals and Cults More than Half a Century Ago

On the other end of the scale, the Hollywood Entertainment Industrial Complex/Rituals was comprehensively covered in Confidential Magazine. One of the reporters of CM's regular helping of the Tinseltown's insider filth was Kenneth Anger - the OTO guy of Lucifer Rising fame - who wrote the first conspiracy book I ever read, Hollywood Babylon, and which was banned in the USA when I was reading it here in Ireland when I would have been around 17 or so. It is still a 'must have' for all bookshelves to this day. The Fatty Arbuckle horror sex and murder silent screen horror show - as conveyed in Hollywood Babylon - put me right off the idea of ever becoming a Hollywood actor when I read about it at the time, and it is still horrific and shocking nearly 100 years later.


Now please continue to bare in mind that the magazines I mention within this article were completely mainstream, news-stand publications anyone could purchase or easily subscribe to at the time. The path down this rabbit hole had been there since the late 1950s, and even much earlier, in some cases as we shall see, and it was not 'hidden knowledge' by any means. Anyone who wanted it, could easily get their hands on it.

Electrical Experimenter
The Holographic Matrix and Tesla before the BBC was even Created

So in concluding our tour of Vintage Conspiracy, we have already covered the social and political conspiracies with The Realist (which ceased publication in Spring 2001, oddly enough..), and the Hollywood Industrial Complex/Rituals conspiracy scene with Confidential, and so now we turn our attention to the Holographic and Hidden Science end of the conspiracy world.

The Electrical Experimenter magazine started life about 120 years ago and was an interesting hybrid of an electronics construction hobbyist-style magazine, which also included articles dealing with the more philosophical nature of the electron and sub atomic world, considering what they knew at the time. 

Articles ranged from speculation that the US Navy were developing an anti-gravity machine to lift warships into the air, to governments and police capturing people's thoughts on radio-vision screens. Also included in the EE, were some of the earliest English language translations of the new 'German' science of Quantum Physics and something called 'The Matrix' and it implications for the nature of reality. We are talking very early 1920's now.

If you are to look at Facebook today you will often encounter memes concerning how Tesla was buried, forgotten and destroyed by historians, while claiming he was unknown during his day. Sorry, but that is not true at all; Tesla was on the cover of Time Magazine as the greatest scientist in the world at one point and even has a unit of magnetic flux named after him.

The Electrical Experimenter magazine itself treated Tesla like a sort of electronic living god/magi for many years. They covered all the aspects of his work by dealing with everything from wireless transmission, to communication with 'spirits' (a major field of research back then), including even other dimensions and realities. All very seriously approached and matter of fact in nature. Again, this was a mainstream magazine which you could pick up in your local store and see this 'unknown' fellow on the front cover. The Electronic Experimenter went as far as utilising an almost religious image of Tesla's 'free energy' transmitter at his Wardenclyffe plant on Long Island as their masthead graphic.

So there you have it. Millions of people in generations past have already read about all kinds of conspiracies and 'secret, hidden knowledge' all over the world long before the X-Files and the Internet messed it all up and turned it into a circus...and I haven't even got to publications such as Lavie Mysterieuse, Fate, Ostara, The Orecle, Lucifer Magazine, New Age, Omni, Weird Tales, True Strange and Fortean Times and other English and non-English, readily available (at the time), publications, all relaying to the world the so-called conspiracy/hidden knowledge topics we think we are so clever discovering for the first time these days.

Edward VIII - When the British Monarchy Stopped Pretending to be British

Was a eugenics-loving member of the British royal family and his American socialite consort in cahoots with Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists to divide up Europe among the British Empire and the Third Reich? 

Recently declassified FBI files expose a surprising twist in the legacy of Edward VIII. In 1941, President Roosevelt had the Duke of Windsor investigated for suspicion of sympathising with Nazi Germany. What the investigation found was an astonishing plot to put Edward VIII on Britain's throne as Hitler's puppet. Under different circumstances, could this relationship have changed history as we know it?

What had all this to do with Rudolf Hess' still incredibly mysterious solo flight to Scotland with an alleged Peace Deal to be delivered personally to the Prussian-blood British Crown? 

Was a back story of a 'tragic love affair' mythology of Edward and Mrs Simpson generated by Mi5 and Thames Television in 1978 as a publicity stunt by the British establishment to restore 'honour' to the Monarchy - long after World War Two had ended - just as questions pertaining to the couple's wartime activities were being brought into the public domain for the first time? A cultural and 'historical' back-story to rewrite the very real and treasonous behaviour of Edward VIII as nothing other than a 'beautiful love story' of a loving king who gave up his throne for a married American socialite, Wallis Simpson? Rather than truth of both being openly National Socialists while sitting on the British throne?

Tuesday 6 January 2015

The Dissidents - 'The Lies Don't Work' 21st Century Rebel Song Featuring Thomas Sheridan

In early December 2014, some Irish musicians, myself included, and who had never played together before, all arrived at a Dublin recording studio driven by the same desire to create a protest song about life in Ireland since the IMF Bail Out.
We had a rough idea of doing a cover version of The Verve's 'The Drugs Don't Work.' with different, and appropriate lyrics. The result was this track which was recorded live, with no overdubs, and after only three takes with no prior rehearsal. THE MAGIC FLOWED...  

The Lies Don't Work
(Radio Version/Music Only) 

The Lies Don't Work (Official Music Video)

Saturday 3 January 2015

Sheeple 2.0 by Thomas Sheridan with Mark Devlin

Thomas Sheridan talks to top UK DJ Mark Devlin of Good Vibrations concerning the often depressing lack of basic human decency in the so called 'Truth' movement, as well as the incredible paranoia and pathological need which so many within this dying movement have to run non-stop smear and hate campaigns against other for simply having another opinion they have not been exposed to before.  How the people who embark on these psychotic, vicious and highly personal 'Truth' crusades are telling the world more about themselves, than they are about their chosen targets. 

Friday 2 January 2015

Planet Gaslighting

The Lords of Perception have you totally confused and bewildered, and their agenda is to keep you this way. 

Their Psychopathic Control Grid survives only because you can't make sense of it. It is designed to not make sense and the Merchants of Nonsense are the media pundits churning out this purposely-engineered confusion so as to keep you continually mind-fucked with contradictory 'infotainment'. So eventually, in time, you surrender your psychological and intellectual autonomy to an 'expert' class for no other reason than you come to not trust yourself any more. This is known in clinical psychology as Gaslighting, and it is a term I have spent several years trying to make as many people as possible understand, and what it means for them and their own sense of 'reality'. 

So where then do you run to when you realise you live on Planet Gaslighting? Activism? Protesting? Even the main activists groups are created for you to put your confused hopes within, and you have no idea why you have put your trust in them. Look at the Occupy Movement: the majority of the 'protesters' had no idea what they were protesting. They were not supposed to know. How many people who decide join protest groups, go to fringe festivals, or follow their latest pied piper even bother to check on the main individuals behind these media sensations and who, and what they are precisely? 

For example, the 'state sanctioned' anti-Water Charges group here in Ireland Right2Water bears all the hallmarks of an engineered 'protest' group comprised of 'interesting' individuals who seem to have just magically arrived as the spokespersons of the anti-Water charges protest. LIGHTS...CAMERAS...GASLIGHTING!

There is nothing grassroots about them. They are well-organised, funded and slick operations which just magically arrived out of nowhere as the main voice of the Anti-Water Charges movement. Why do people believe they are the main voice of the Water Protest? Because they are the ones who get all the mainstream media coverage. That's why. The mass media is not interested in legitimate protest groups. Look at your own country and you'll see the same 'preferred' protest groups and leaders who also get all the mainstream coverage.

The view of 'reality' presented to us is all a giant piece of pathological theatre in order to keep every last one of us confused and bewildered so that in time, only apathy and distraction (sports, Black Friday, Celebs) remain the non-Gods of social and cultural salvation. Truly, we are now living on Planet Gaslighting.


Using mass media as an event unfolds in order to prove a point - one way or the other - is like trying to build a house with a hammer and rubber nails. 

The above video is vital viewing in order to understand how this all came about. Nobody can save you, but yourself. Civilisation is not even a monster any more, it is a psychopathic demon feeding on your consciousness.